Browsing by Departments "Oikeustieteiden laitoksen toiminta"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Climate change adaptation and green building
(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022)Climate change presents a twofold challenge in the context of buildings. Buildings affect the climate and are in turn vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Buildings are responsible for around 40% of annual global ...
Energy Security in the Energy Transition: A Legal Perspective
(Springer Nature, 2022)This chapter analyzes energy security in the energy transition towards zero-carbon energy systems. On the one hand, it identifies the positive contribution of the energy transition to energy security. On the other hand, ...
Finland - ex ante constitutionality review of laws relating to the COVID-19 pandemic – the ultimate protector of the rule of law or losing a sense of rationality?
(Thomson Reuters, 2021)In contrast to most European legal systems, Finnish constitutionality review of laws is exercised by a parliamentary committee before the laws enter into force (ex ante review). The ex post review exercised by Finnish ...
Free Rivers or Legal Certainty?: Review of Hydropower Permits Under EU Water Law
(Kluwer Law International B.V., 2022)The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) puts forward ambitious ecological objectives on reaching good status in surface waters throughout the EU. In rivers harnessed for hydropower production, achieving these aims would in ...
Ilman huoltajaa kansainvälistä suojelua hakevan lapsen oikeus sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluihin
(Oikeuspoliittinen yhdistys Demla ry ja Oikeus- ja yhteiskuntatieteellinen yhdistys ry (OYY), 2022)Kansainvälistä suojelua ilman huoltajaansa hakevat lapset ovat erityisen haavoittuva lapsiryhmä, jonka oikeuksien toteutumiseen on siksi kiinnitettävä erityistä huomiota. Koska oikeussuojakeinoihin turvautuminen on heille ...
Incentivizing carbon transition: A comparison of carbon trading in the EU and China
(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022)
Indian cities’ climate resilience: what role for transnational environmental law?
(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022)Cities have become active players in international environmental law and governance, especially in tackling climate change. Indeed, cities are in a key role as regards societies' climate resilience and increasingly seek ...
Inter‐State climate technology transfer under the UNFCCC: A benefit‐sharing approach
(Wiley Periodicals LLC, 2022)The use of the concept of fair and equitable benefit-sharing has proliferated across a number of international environmental legal regimes in various contexts. However, its potential application to inter-State obligations ...
Monivalintakysymykset oikeustieteellisen alan yhteisvalintakokeessa - hitti vai huti?
(Edita Publishing Oy, 2022)Oikeustieteellisellä alalla valtakunnallinen suomenkielinen valintakoe otettiin käyttöön vuonna 2018. Samalla valintakokeeseen osallistujien määrä kasvoi ja tarkistus muutettiin kaksivaiheiseksi siten, että ensimmäisessä ...
Openness of constitutional review: a comparative analysis of how transparency is ensured in ex ante constitutional review
(Springer Nature, 2022)Ex ante constitutional review is carried out prior to a law’s entry into force. While judicial in character, it is a politically charged process for various reasons. The body responsible for this task works in close proximity ...
Public Perceptions on the Procedural Values and Proposed Outcomes of the Finnish Climate Change Act Amendment
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2022)This article examines the public perceptions on the drafting process of Finnish Climate Act amendment, which is a legislation on the climate policy that aims to mitigate climate change and secure adaptive capacity. In this ...
The EU's Promotion of Sustainable Development beyond its Borders through transboundary water Cooperation
(CLEER, 2022)Water is a critical resource for the survival of humans and ecosystems and for economic and social development. The European Union (EU) is an active player in transboundary freshwater cooperation, not only by supporting ...
Yhteisvastuun hajaantumisesta sopimusperusteisen korvausvelvollisuuden vanhentuessa
(Suomen Asianajajaliitto, 2022)Sopimusvelkojalla voi olla oikeus esittää sopimusrikkomukseen perustuvia vaatimuksia useammalle kuin yhdelle velalliselle. Vastuussa voi velkojan välittömän sopimuskumppanin tai sopimuskumppanien lisäksi olla muu ...