Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Career anchors of dentist leaders 

      Tuononen Tiina; Lammintakanen Johanna; Suominen Anna Liisa (Informa UK Limited, 2016)
      Objective: The work of a health care leader is demanding; in order to cope, leaders need motivation and support. The occurrence of intrinsic factors called career anchors (combination of one’s competence, motives and values) ...

    • Dental and periodontal health in Finnish adults in 2000 and 2011 

      Suominen, AL; Varsio, S; Helminen, S; Nordblad, A; Lahti, S; Knuuttila, M (Informa UK Limited, 2018)
      Objective: We assessed dental and periodontal health in adults aged ≥30 years living in southern and northern Finland as part of the Health 2000/2011 Surveys (BRIF8901). Material and methods: Clinical findings in 2000 ...
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