Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Biometeorological assessment of mortality related to extreme temperatures in Helsinki Region, Finland, 1972-2014 

      Ruuhela Reija; Jylhä Kirsti; Lanki Timo; Tiittanen Pekka; Matzarakis Andreas (MDPI AG, 2017)
      Climate change is expected to increase heat-related and decrease cold-related mortality. The extent of acclimatization of the population to gradually-changing thermal conditions is not well understood. We aimed to define ...

    • Endocrine effects of sauna bath 

      Huhtaniemi, IT; Laukkanen, JA (Elsevier BV, 2020)
      Sauna bath brings about numerous acute changes in hormone levels, partly akin to other stressful situations, partly specific for sauna. Norepinephrine increases in those accustomed to sauna bath. Sweating increases the ...
      Tieteelliset aikakauslehtiartikkelit