Browsing by Subject "informatics"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
A Synthesis of Students' Theses in the Accredited HHSI Master's Programme
(IOS Press, 2018)Education in Health Informatics (HI) has been a key priority to guarantee knowledge and skills for professionals working in healthcare settings. One of the early academic models to teach HI are the recommendations provided ...Artikkelit tieteellisissä kokoomateoksissa
Big data sharing and analysis to advance research in post-traumatic epilepsy
(Elsevier BV, 2019)We describe the infrastructure and functionality for a centralized preclinical and clinical data repository and analytic platform to support importing heterogeneous multi-modal data, automatically and manually linking data ...Tieteelliset aikakauslehtiartikkelit
Biomedical and health informatics teaching in Portugal: Current status
(Elsevier Ltd, 2023)Background The domain of Biomedical and Health Informatics (BMHI) lies in the intersection of multiple disciplines, making it difficult to define and, consequently, characterise the workforce, training needs and requirements ...
Building essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) of species distribution and abundance at a global scale
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2017)Much biodiversity data is collected worldwide, but it remains challenging to assemble the scattered knowledge for assessing biodiversity status and trends. The concept of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) was introduced
Curricula Challenges and Informatics Competencies for Nurse Educators
(IOS Press, 2017)Nursing informatics competencies are fundamental to nursing practice in all areas of nursing work, including direct patient care, administration and education. The recent activity relating to the development of nursing
Milestones and Outcomes in Health and Human Services Informatics Education Programmes
(IOS Press, 2022)This chapter describes the milestones and outcomes of Health and Human Services Informatics (HHSI) education programmes at master and doctoral degree level. In Finland, since the year 2000 the programmes have been based ...
Nurses' Informatics Competency Assessment of Health Information System Usage
(Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc, 2023)Nurses' informatics competencies are nurses' professional requirements to guarantee the quality of patient care and affect nurses' use of health information systems. The purpose of this survey was to describe nurses' ...
Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon tiedonhallinnan tutkimuskohteet Itä-Suomen yliopistossa - paradigman todentuminen tietohallinnon maisteri- ja tohtorikoulutuksessa
(Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare, 2019)The recommendations of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) on education in biomedical and health informatics have been used as the basis for the master’s in health and human services informatics program ...Tieteelliset aikakauslehtiartikkelit
Tiedonhallinnan ja tiedolla johtamisen nykytila, Case: Kliinisen laboratorioalan yrityksen tietohallintoyksikkö
(Itä-Suomen yliopisto; University of Eastern Finland, 2024)info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis