Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Data from: Trade-offs in berry production and biodiversity under prescribed burning and retention regimes in Boreal forests 

      Granath, Gustaf (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences); Kouki, Jari (University of Eastern Finland); Johnson, Samuel (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences); Heikkala, Osmo (University of Eastern Finland); Rodríguez, Antonio (University of Eastern Finland); Strengbom, Joachim (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) (2018)
      1. Green tree retention and prescribed burning are practices used to mitigate negative effects of forestry. Beside their effects on biodiversity, these practices should also promote non-timber forest products (NTFPs). We ...

    • Trade-offs in berry production and biodiversity under prescribed burning and retention regimes in Boreal forests 

      Granath, Gustaf; Kouki, Jari; Johnson, Samuel; Heikkala, Osmo; Rodríguez, Antonio; Strengbom, Joachim (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018)
      1. Green tree retention and prescribed burning are the practices used to mitigate negative effects of boreal forestry. Beside their effects on biodiversity, these practices should also promote non‐timber forest products ...
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