Enhancing Sustainable Lifelong Learning in Higher Education for the Future Uncertainties: A Mixed Methods Study on Vietnamese Undergraduates
Lan, Huong Nguyen
Masters thesis
Fulltext of publication Available only in campus librariesPublisher
University of Eastern FinlandPhilosophical faculty, School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Joensuu
applied education
soveltava kasvatustiede oppiminen korkeakouluopetus korkeakouluopiskelu korkea-asteen koulutus elinikäinen oppiminen applied education learning higher education (teaching) studies in an institution of higher education tertiary education lifelong learning inlärning högskoleundervisning högskolestudier utbildning på högskolenivå livslångt lärande future preparation life transitions future-ready education Sustainable learning in education
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