Tropiikin ennallistettujen sademetsien päiväperhosyhteisöjen rakenne ja kokojakauma
Community composition and size spectra of fruit-feeding butterflies along different-aged restored rainforests
Leinonen, Lotta
Masters thesis
Fulltext of publication Available only in campus librariesPublisher
University of Eastern FinlandFaculty of Science and Forestry, Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences
biologia ekologia sademetsät ennallistaminen metsät ekosysteemit (ekologia) biology ecology rain forests environmental rehabilitation forests ecosystems (ecology) ekologi regnskogar rekonstruktion (återskapande av naturtillstånd) skogar ekosystem (ekologi) ennallistaminen yhteisökoostumus kokojakauma päiväperhoset
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