UVC irradiation based water treatment : a study of UV light emitting diodes, atomic layer deposited TiO₂ and novel applications
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Vilhunen, Sari.
Abstract available onlyPublisher
University of Eastern FinlandFaculty of Science and Forestry, Department of Environmental Sciences
Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Forestry and Natural Sciences, 13
ISSN: 1798-5676
ISBN: 978-952-61-0184-2
ISSN: 1798-5676
ISBN: 978-952-61-0184-2
water treatment polluted water water pollution pollutants oxidation ultraviolet radiation light emitting diodes hydrogen peroxide radicals titanium dioxide catalytic activity degradation organic matter phenol salicylic acid Escherichia coli inactivation disinfection vedenkäsittely jätevesi - käsittely saasteet - poisto epäpuhtaudet - poisto hapetus ultraviolettisäteily ledit vetyperoksidi titaanioksidi katalyysi hajoaminen orgaaninen aines fenolit kolibakteerit desinfiointi
- Väitöskirjat [2719]
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