Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Robust Speaker Recognition with Combined Use of Acoustic and Throat Microphone Speech 

      Sahidullah, Md; Gonzalez Hautamäki, Rosa; Lehmann, Thomsen Dennis Alexander; Kinnunen, Tomi; Tan, Zheng-Hua; Hautamäki, Ville; Parts, Robert; Pitkänen, Martti (ISCA (the International Speech Communication Association), 2016)
      Accuracy of automatic speaker recognition (ASV) systems degrades severely in the presence of background noise. In this paper, we study the use of additional side information provided by a body-conducted sensor, throat ...

    • Semi-supervised speech activity detection with an application to automatic speaker verification 

      Sholokhov Alexey.; Sahidullah Md; Kinnunen Tomi (Elsevier BV, 2017)
      We propose a simple speech activity detector (SAD) based on recording-specific Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM) of speech and non-speech frames. We extend the conventional expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for GMM ...

    • Spoofing detection goes noisy: An analysis of synthetic speech detection in the presence of additive noise 

      Hanilçi Cemal; Kinnunen Tomi; Sahidullaha Md; Sizova Aleksandr (Elsevier BV, 2016)
      Automatic speaker verification (ASV) technology is recently finding its way to end-user applications for secure access to personal data, smart services or physical facilities. Similar to other biometric technologies, speaker ...