Sappikivitaudin leikkaushoidon terveyshyödyt ja elämänlaadun muutos analysoituna RAND-36 mittarin avulla
Patient-reported Outcome Measure (PROM) Rand-36-item Health Survey for Gallstone Disease Patients Five Years Following Surgery: A Prospective Randomized Study
Repo, Anni
Masters thesis in medicine
Fulltext of publication Available only in campus librariesPublisher
University of Eastern FinlandFaculty of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Clinical Medicine
lääketiede leikkaushoito seurantatutkimus arviointi sappikivet medicine surgical treatment follow-up study evaluation gallstones kirurgisk vård uppföljande undersökning utvärdering gallstenar Cholelithiasis cholecystectomy 3D Laparoscopy longterm outcome RAND-36.
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