Now showing items 1-13 of 13

    • Child and Youth Welfare Policy Planning in Municipalities 2008-2009: Office-holder Group Interviews 

      Määttä, Mirja; Määttä, Mirja (2018)
      In the study, municipal office-holders were interviewed about child and youth welfare policy planning and implementation. Opinions were probed on the planning obligation imposed by the law, role of the interviewees' own ...

    • Diaconia Barometer 2016 

      Gävert, Titi; Juntunen, Elina; Kiiski, Jouko; Laine, Tiina (2018)
      Diaconia Barometers chart Finnish diaconal workers' experiences of their work. The 2016 survey concentrated especially on the 2015 European refugee crisis and the influx of people seeking asylum in Finland. Themes included ...

    • Diakoniabarometri 2013 

      Diakonian tutkimuksen seura; Kirkkohallitus. Diakonia ja yhteiskuntatyö; Diakoniatyöntekijöiden Liitto; Kiiski, Jouko, Itä-Suomen yliopisto; Aho, Marja, Diakonian tutkimuksen seura; Gävert, Titi, Kirkkohallitus. Diakonia ja sielunhoito; Laine, Tiina, Diakoniatyöntekijöiden Liitto; Juntunen, Elina, Kirkkohallitus. Jumalanpalvelus ja yhteiskuntatyö (2016)
      Diakoniabarometrit kartoittavat diakoniatyöntekijöiden käsityksiä ja kokemuksia työstään. Aineistossa käsitellään diakoniatyön osa-alueita ja yhteistyösuhteita seurakunnissa, väestön ikääntymistä ja nuorten syrjäytymistä ...

    • Environment and Climate Change in My Life 2010-2011: Writing Competition 

      Vehviläinen, Marja; Toivo, Miia; Häikiö, Liisa; Marjeta, Anna-Laura; Åkerman, Maria; Uotinen, Johanna; Peltola, Taru; Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura (SKS). Kansanrunousarkisto; Uotinen, Johanna; Finnish Literature Society (SKS). Folklore Archives (2018)
      The data consist of 81 texts sent to a national writing competition 'Ilmastonmuutos ja ympäristö elämässäni [Environment and Climate Change in My Life]' conducted by the Finnish Literature Society (SKS). People were asked ...

    • Guides for Immigrants and Immigration Services 2005 

      Vuori, Jaana; Vuori, Jaana (2018)
      The archived data consist of 55 written documents that were available on the website of the Ministry of Labour of Finland in 2005. The documents provided information for public officials working with immigrants or information ...

    • Helsinki Deaconess Institute Housing Services 2013 

      Tuomaala, Vaula; Tuomaala, Vaula (2018)
      This dataset consists of group and individual interviews of 10 housing service employees of the Helsinki Deaconess Institute and 6 residents of the institute's housing units. The interviewees were asked to comment on nine ...

    • Horse Dealer Interviews 2012 

      Schuurman, Nora; Schuurman, Nora (2018)
      The data contain Finnish horse dealers' interviews that examined the impact of the interaction between man and horse on the trade situation. Ethical questions on the wellbeing of horses in horse trading were also studied. ...

    • Interviews of NEET Youth and Preparatory Vocational Education Project Workers 2013 

      Määttä, Mirja (2019)
      The study examined a preparatory vocational education project from the perspective of NEET youth (not in employment, education or training) aged 17-24 and the project staff. Interviews were used to find out the young ...

    • Neighbour Relations and Disputes 2012 

      Hirvonen, Jukka; Määttä, Tapio; Määttä, Tapio (2018)
      The survey charting neighbour relations and disputes was funded by the Academy of Finland ('The Future of Living and Housing' programme, 'Neighbour Disputes and Housing in Finland' project). Concerning interaction with ...

    • Perceptions of Housing and Neighbourhood Safety in Kuopio 2004 - 2005 

      Susineva, Juhani; Susineva, Juhani (2018)
      The survey studied perceptions of safety and security in the town of Kuopio, Finland. Questions charted the ownership of the accommodation, years of residence, and square meters. Other topics included the measures taken ...

    • Pets as Family Members 2014-2015 

      Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura (SKS); Lauren, Kirsi; Niemelä, Reetta; Schuurman, Nora; Syrjämaa, Taina; Finnish Literature Society (SKS); Niemelä, Reetta; Schuurman, Nora (2018)
      This dataset contains written responses about Finnish people's experiences with pets in childhood and in the present. Most of the memories concern cats and dogs, but stories about other pets are included as well. The ...

    • Second Home Tourism in Finland: Citizen Survey 2012 

      Pitkänen, Kati; Hiltunen, Mervi J.; Hall, C. Michael; Paloniemi, Riikka; Rehunen, Antti; Rinne, Janne; Strandell, Anna (2018)
      The survey, conducted by the University of Eastern Finland, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE and Finnish Forest Research Institute charted second home tourism in Finland in 2012. Themes in the survey included, among ...

    • "Tämä antaa niin paljon elämään sisältöä ja merkitystä." Toipumiselle annetut merkitykset vertais- ja kokemusasiantuntijatoiminnassa 

      Pudas, Pauliina (Itä-Suomen yliopisto; University of Eastern Finland, 2022)