Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Systems Genetics Approach to Biomarker Discovery: GPNMB and Heart Failure in Mice and Humans 

      Lin, LY; Chun-Chang, S; O'Hearn, J; Hui, ST; Seldin, M; Gupta, P; Bondar, G; Deng, M; Jauhiainen, R; Kuusisto, J; Laakso, M; Sinsheimer, JS; Deb, A; Rau, C; Ren, S; Wang, Y; Lusis, AJ; Wang, JJ; Huertas-Vazquez, A (Genetics Society of America, 2018)
      We describe a simple bioinformatics method for biomarker discovery that is based on the analysis of global transcript levels in a population of inbred mouse strains showing variation for disease-related traits. This method ...
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