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Collections in this resource type

Recent Submissions

  • Data from: Drivers of snag fall rates in Fennoscandian boreal forests 

    Aakala, Tuomas (University of Eastern Finland); Storaunet, Ken Olaf (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research); Jonsson, Bengt Gunnar (Mid Sweden University); Korhonen, Kari T. (Natural Resources Institute Finland) (2024)
    Persistence of standing dead trees (snags) is an important determinant for their role for biodiversity and dead wood associated carbon fluxes. How fast snags fall varies widely among species and regions and is further ...

  • Koli Kelluu Airship Spring 2023 

    Kelluu Ltd.; Janne Hietala; Jiri Jormakka; Eija Honkavaara; Niko Koivumäki; Raquel Alves de Oliveira; Päivi Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa; Johanna Tuviala; FGI Dept. of Remote sensing and photogrammetry (2024)
    The dataset comprises a remote sensing dataset captured in Koli National Park in North Karelia (63°5'29.916"N, 29°48'36.012"E). The major purpose was to follow the tree mortality caused by the European spruce bark beetle ...

  • Handheld laser scanning point clouds collected in spring 2020 from 8 plots in Evo, Finland. 

    National Land Survey of Finland; Maanmittauslaitos (2024)
    Handheld laser scanning point clouds collected in spring 2020 from 8 plots in Evo, Finland. The data was collected with a Zeb Horizon (GeoSLAM, UK) handheld laser scanner and processed with GeoSLAM hub software with forest ...

  • Terrestrial laser scanning point cloud (Riegl VZ-400i) from a managed Scots pine stand in the Evo test site, November 2022 

    Metsätieteiden osasto (2024)
    Terrestrial laser scanning point cloud from a managed Scots pine stand located in the Evo test site. The point cloud data was acquired in November 16, 2022 using a Riegl VZ-400i time-of-flight terrestrial laser scanner ...

  • Nordic Tweet Stream 2013-2023 

    Mikko Laitinen (2024)
    This resource will be available in the Language Bank of Finland. The resource contains about 10 million geolocated tweets from the Nordic region, time span January 2013 until May 2023, collected through the Academic API ...

  • SMEAR II Siikaneva 1 wetland meteorology and soil 

    Pavel Alekseychik; Pasi Kolari; Janne Rinne; Sami Haapanala; Heikki Laakso; Risto Taipale; Teemu Matilainen; Turo Salminen; Janne Levula; (2024)
    This dataset contains time series of meteorology, solar and terrestrial radiation, ground heat flux, peat temperature, moisture and water table depth measured at SMEAR II Siikaneva 1 fen site, Ruovesi, Finland, during years ...

  • A deepened water table increases the vulnerability of peat mosses to periodic drought 

    Kokkonen, Nicola (University of Eastern Finland); Laine, Anna (University of Eastern Finland); Korrensalo, Aino (Natural Resources Institute Finland); Nijp, Jelmer (KWR Watercycle Research Institute); Limpens, Juul (Wageningen University & Research); Mehtätalo, Lauri (Natural Resources Institute Finland); Männistö, Elisa (University of Eastern Finland); Tuittila, Eeva-Stiina (University of Eastern Finland) (2024)
    Here we address the combined impact of multiple stressors that are becoming more common with climate change. To study the combined effects of a lower water table (WT) and increased frequency of drought periods on the ...

  • Data from: Nest predation and climate change as drivers of alternative reproductive tactics in a migratory species 

    Pöysä, Hannu (University of Eastern Finland) (2024)
    Alternative reproductive tactics enable individuals to choose a reproductive tactic relative to their status and prevailing environmental conditions in a way that increases their fitness. Conspecific brood parasitism, in ...

  • Data for: Water level drawdown makes boreal peatland vegetation more responsive to weather conditions 

    Köster, Egle (University of Eastern Finland); Chapman, Jack P. B. (Finnish Meteorological Institute); Barel, Janna M. (Radboud University Nijmegen); Korrensalo, Aino (University of Eastern Finland); Laine, Anna M. (Geological Survey of Finland); Vasander, Harri T. (University of Helsinki); Tuittila, Eeva-Stiina (University of Eastern Finland) (2024)
    Climate warming and projected increase in summer droughts puts northern peatlands under pressure by subjecting them to a combination of gradual drying and extreme weather events. The combined effect of those on peatland ...

  • Original data for article: Particle balance and return loops for microplastics in a tertiary-level wastewater treatment plant 

    Salmi, Pauliina; Karjalainen, Anna; Ryymin, Kalle; Mikola, Anna; Talvitie, Julia; Uurasjärvi, Emilia (2024)
    Microplastics (MPs) from households, stormwaters and various industries are transported to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) where a high proportion of them are captured before discharging their residuals to watersheds. ...

  • Ex vivo diffusion MRI data from traumatic brain injury and sham operated rats 

    Alejandra Sierra; Ricardo Coronado-Leija; Raimo Salo (2024)
    This ex vivo diffusion MRI data corresponds to the extracted brains of five adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (10 weeks old, weights between 320 and 380 g). TBI was induced by lateral fluid percussion injury in three rats ...

  • Recovery of European temperate forests after large and severe disturbances 

    Cerioni, Matteo (University of Ljubljana); Brabec, Marek (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science); Bače, Radek (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague); Bāders, Endijs (Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava"); Bončina, Andrej (University of Ljubljana); Brůna, Josef (Institute of Botany); Chećko, Ewa (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn); Cordonnier, Thomas (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment); de Koning, Johannes H.C. (University of Copenhagen); (2024)
    As climate change progresses, there is increasing concern that large and severe disturbances may diminish the resilience of forest ecosystems and alter their recovery dynamics. We investigated recovery of temperate forests ...

  • Divergent geographic variation in above- versus belowground secondary metabolites of Reynoutria japonica 

    Bi, Jingwen (Fudan University); Bossdorf, Oliver (University of Tübingen); Liao, Zhiyong (Chinese Academy of Sciences); Richards, Christina (University of South Florida); Parepa, Madalin (University of Tübingen); Zhao, Weihan (Fudan University); Berninger, Frank (University of Eastern Finland); Zhao, Yujie (Fudan University); Liu, Zekang (Fudan University); (2023)
    Secondary metabolites play an important role in plant adaptation because they can mitigate biotic and abiotic environmental stresses. However, their production and allocation incur different costs and benefits and are ...

  • Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory 

    Wetzel, William (Montana State University); Hahn, Philip (University of Florida); Inouye, Brian (Florida State University); Underwood, Nora (Florida State University); Whitehead, Susan (Virginia Tech); Abbott, Karen (Case Western Reserve University); Bruna, Emilio (University of Florida); Cacho, N. Ivalu (National Autonomous University of Mexico); Dyer, Lee (University of Nevada Reno); (2023)
    Interactions between plants and herbivores are central in most ecosystems, but their strength is highly variable. The amount of variability within a system is thought to influence most aspects of plant-herbivore biology, ...

  • 3D histology data of mouse prostates with manually annotated tumor hotspots 

    Kaisa Liimatainen; Leena Latonen; Pekka Ruusuvuori (2023)
    This dataset contains six sparse 3D histology stacks of registered, H&E-stained mouse prostate samples with manually annotated tumor hotspots. The data has been processed to suit SparStVR application. Each stack has ...

  • The older the bolder: anti-predator behavior during incubation in common goldeneye based on long-term individual data 

    Pentti Runko (2023)
    The dataset used to analyze the anti-predator behaviour of common goldeneye Bucephala clangula from 1984 to 2021. For the use of the data, kindly contact the owner of data (creator), Pentti Runko.

  • Real-Time Delphi data: How to identify and interpret weak signals of change in the forest bioeconomy 

    Mauno, Tuomas,University of Eastern Finland; Catelo, Fellice,University of Eastern Finland; Bengston, David N.,USDA Forest Service; Pykäläinen, Jouni,University of Eastern Finland; Hujala, Teppo,University of Eastern Finland (2023)
    Data from: Mauno, T., Catelo, F., Bengston, D.N., Pykäläinen, J. & Hujala, T. 2023. How to identify and interpret weak signals of change in the forest bioeconomy. Forest Policy and Economics. https://doi.or ...

  • Data for "Ecosystem heating experiment reveals sex-specific growth responses in fish" 

    van Dorst, Renee Mina,Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Gårdmark, Anna,Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Kahilainen, Kimmo K.,University of Helsinki; Nurminen, Leena,University of Helsinki; Estlander, Satu,University of Helsinki; Huuskonen, Hannu,University of Eastern Finland; Olin, Mikko,Natural Resources Institute Finland; Rask, Martti,University of Helsinki; Huss, Magnus,Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2023)
    Data for the paper"Ecosystem heating experiment reveals sex-specific growth responses in fish" in the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. One file contains the back-calculated fish length-at-age ...

  • ASVspoof 2019 LA Listening Test Data for Partial Rank Similarity MOS Prediction 

    Yamagishi, Junichi,National Institute of Informatics, Japan; University of Edinburgh, UK; Todisco, Massimiliano,EURECOM, France; Sahidullah, Md,Inria, France; Delgado, Héctor,EURECOM, France; Wang, Xin,National Institute of Informatics, Japan; Evans, Nicolas,EURECOM, France; Kinnunen, Tomi,University of Eastern Finland, Finland; Lee, Kong Aik,NEC, Japan; Vestman, Ville,University of Eastern Finland, Finland; (2023)
    This dataset is a derivitave work of the ASVSpoof 2019 LA condition listening test data found here: https://datashare.ed.ac.uk/handle/10283/3336 -> LA.zip "ASVspoof 2019: A large-scale public database of synthesized, ...

  • Data and code for "High-resolution spatial patterns and drivers of terrestrial ecosystem carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes in the tundra" 

    Virkkala, Anna-Maria,Woodwell Climate Research Center, University of Helsinki; Niittynen, Pekka,University of Jyväskylä; Kemppinen, Julia,University of Oulu; Marushchak, Maija,University of Eastern Finland; Voigt, Carolina,University of Eastern Finland; Hensgens, Geert,Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Kerttula, Johanna,University of Eastern Finland; Happonen, Konsta,Youth Research Society; Tyystjärvi, Vilna,Finnish Meteorological Institute; (2023)
    Repository structure The zipped folder includes the following subfolders: data In-situ measurement data from the plots. Remotely-sensed data could not be included in the repository due to their large size. src R codes ...

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