dc.description.abstract | Weather variables measured at Puijo SMEAR IV station in Kuopio, Finland. Data stored in CSC “smear” database, “PUI_weather” table. It includes the following variables (valiable_name: description; [unit]):
* samptime: Sample time (UTC +2); [yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS]
* mtime: Time in Matlab time number (UTC+2); []
* quality: Quality parameter; []
* TT_old: OBSOLETE, USE COLUMN T (Temperature out [C]); [C]
* TTin: Temperature inside the station [C]; [C]
* RH_old: OBSOLETE, USE COLUMN RH (RH out [%]); [%]
* RHin: Relative humidity inside the station [%]; [%]
* TTthies: Temperature of anemometer [C]; [C]
* WSave: 1-min average wind speed [m/s]; [m/s]
* WSmin: 1-min minimum wind speed [m/s]; [m/s]
* WSmax: 1-min maximum wind speed [m/s]; [m/s]
* WSdev: 1-min deviation in wind speed [m/s]; [m/s]
* WSgustmax: 1-min maximum wind speed in gusts [m/s]; [m/s]
* WSgustmin: 1-min minimum wind speed in gusts [m/s]; [m/s]
* WDave: 1-min average wind direction [degrees]; [degrees]
* WDdev: 1-min deviation in wind direction [degrees]; [degrees]
* VisibilityAlarm: Visibility Alarm [code]; [code]
* Visibility1minAve: 1-min average visibility [m]; [m]
* Visibility10minAve: 10-min average visibility [m]; [m]
* InstantPresentWeather: Instant Present Weather [code]; [code]
* PresentWeather15min: 15minPresentWeather [code]; [code]
* PresentWeather1hour: 1hourPresentWeather [code]; [code]
* PrecipitationIntensity: Precipitation intensity [mm/h]; [mm/h]
* CumulativeWaterSum: Cumulative Water Sum [mm]; [mm]
* CumulativeSnowSum: Cumulative Snow Sum [mm]; [mm]
* Pressure: Pressure [hPa]; [hPa]
* TT2: TT[C] (NOT TO BE USED); [C]
* ErrorCode: Error [code] (NOT TO BE USED); [code]
* M1: M1 [g] (AN ICING PARAMETER); [g]
* M2: M2 [g] (AN ICING PARAMETER); [g]
* RH: Relative humidity out [%]; [%]
* T: Temperature out [C]; [C]
* Tdf: Dew point or frost point temperature, Tdf [C] ; [C]
* Td: Dew point temperature, Td [C] ; [C]
* a: Absolute humidity, a [g/m3]; [g/m3]
Webpage for the data: https://avaa.tdata.fi/web/smart/smear.
Open API query for the data (e.g. year 2006): https://avaa.tdata.fi/smear-services/smeardata.jsp?table=PUI_weather&from=2006-01-01+00:00:00.000&to=2006-12-31+23:59:59.999&quality=ANY&averaging=NONE&type=NONE&variables=mtime,quality,TT_old,TTin,RH_old,RHin,TTthies,WSave,WSmin,WSmax,WSdev,WSgustmax,WSgustmin,WDave,WDdev,VisibilityAlarm,Visibility1minAve,Visibility10minAve,InstantPresentWeather,PresentWeather15min,PresentWeather1hour,PrecipitationIntensity,CumulativeWaterSum,CumulativeSnowSum,Pressure,TT2,ErrorCode,M1,M2,M3,RH,T,Tdf,Td,a,x,Tw,H2O,pw,pws,h,diff_T_Td,Ice0871Events,Ice3210Amp
The size of data: ca. 110 MB/year, totally ca. 1 GB. | |