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dc.contributor.otherMika Komppula (FMI)
dc.contributor.otherJorma Joutsensaari (UEF)
dc.description.abstractNephelometer and aerosol light-scattering coefficients data measured through an interstitial (int) inlet at Puijo SMEAR IV station in Kuopio, Finland. Data stored in CSC “smear” database, “PUI_neph_int” table. It includes the following variables (valiable_name: description; [unit]): * samptime: Sample time (UTC +2); [yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS] * mtime: Time in Matlab time number (UTC+2); [] * quality: Quality parameter; [] * coeff_scat_blue: Aerosol scattering coefficient in blue; [1/Mm] * coeff_scat_green: Aerosol scattering coefficient in green; [1/Mm] * coeff_scat_red: Aerosol scattering coefficient in red; [1/Mm] * coeff_scat_blue_backscat: Aerosol back scattering coefficient in blue (backscatter); [1/Mm] * coeff_scat_green_backscat: Aerosol back scattering coefficient in green (backscatter); [1/Mm] * coeff_scat_red_backscat: Aerosol back scattering coefficient in red (backscatter); [1/Mm] * scattering_from_last_zero_blue: Aerosol scattering value from last zero (blue); [1/Mm] * scattering_from_last_zero_green: Aerosol scattering value from last zero (green); [1/Mm] * scattering_from_last_zero_red: Aerosol scattering value from last zero (red); [1/Mm] * scattering_from_last_zero_blue_backs: Aerosol back scattering value from last zero (blue backscatter); [1/Mm] * scattering_from_last_zero_green_backs: Aerosol back scattering value from last zero (green backscatter); [1/Mm] * scattering_from_last_zero_red_backs: Aerosol back scattering value from last zero (red backscatter); [1/Mm] * rayleigh_scattering_from_last_zero_blue: Rayleigh scattering value from last zero (blue); [1/Mm] * rayleigh_scattering_from_last_zero_green: Rayleigh scattering value from last zero (green); [1/Mm] * rayleigh_scattering_from_last_zero_red: Rayleigh scattering value from last zero (red); [1/Mm] * pressure_baro: Barometric pressure (mbar); [mbar] * temperature_sample: Sample temperature (degrees K); [K] * temperature_inlet: Inlet temperature (degrees K); [K] * RH: Relative humidity (%); [%] * pressure_blue: Pressure in millibar (blue); [mbar] * temperature_blue: Sample temperature in degrees K (blue); [K] * pressure_green: Pressure in millibar (green); [mbar] * temperature_green: Sample temperature in degrees K (green); [K] * pressure_red: Pressure in millibar (red); [mbar] * temperature_red: Sample temperature in degrees K (red); [K] Webpage for the data: Open API query for the data (e.g. year 2006):,quality,coeff_scat_blue,coeff_scat_green,coeff_scat_red,coeff_scat_blue_backscat,coeff_scat_green_backscat,coeff_scat_red_backscat,scattering_from_last_zero_blue,scattering_from_last_zero_green,scattering_from_last_zero_red,scattering_from_last_zero_blue_backs,scattering_from_last_zero_green_backs,scattering_from_last_zero_red_backs,rayleigh_scattering_from_last_zero_blue,rayleigh_scattering_from_last_zero_green,rayleigh_scattering_from_last_zero_red,pressure_baro,temperature_sample,temperature_inlet,RH,pressure_blue,temperature_blue,pressure_green,temperature_green,pressure_red,temperature_red Interstitial (int) and total (tot) inlets: Sample air for the instruments is drawn through two parallel sampling lines: interstitial (int) and total (tot) inlets: * interstitial inlet (int) is equipped with an impactor with a 10-µm cut-off size followed by a cyclone with a 1.0-µm cut-off size (2.5 µm before 20 November 2009) * total air inlet (total) with heated sampling lines and snow-hood to dry the cloud droplets (cut-off size 40 µm when the wind speed is below 20 m/s) This two-inlet setup enables simultaneous interstitial and total air (interstitial + cloud drop residual) measurements when the tower is covered by clouds. The size of data: ca. 10-30 MB/year, totally ca. 100 MB.
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)en
dc.rightsCreative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen (CC BY 4.0)fi_FI
dc.titlePuijo SMEAR IV Kuopio nephelometer, aerosol light-scattering coefficients, interstitial inlet (SmartSMEAR)

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